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Чуть-чуть поржать. (old)
Автор Vurn, Oct 10 2007 21:33
Отправлено 07 September 2011 - 12:24

На конкурсе женской логики победил генератор случайных чисел.
p.s. nothing personal
p.s. nothing personal

Сообщение отредактировал Жги Их Всех: 07 September 2011 - 12:54
The reason heavy missiles are used in pvp has nothing to do with actual heavy missiles. HM's are used because
a) Drakes can use them, and Drakes are the kalashnikovs of eve (easy to use, really durable, and there are some regions of the eve universe where a drake is cheaper than a chicken).
Tengus. 100mn Tengu, Nuff said. © PotatoOverdose
a) Drakes can use them, and Drakes are the kalashnikovs of eve (easy to use, really durable, and there are some regions of the eve universe where a drake is cheaper than a chicken).

Отправлено 07 September 2011 - 14:47

'Японский Летчик', 07 Сент 2011 - 10:42, написал(а):
Альфред Хичкок представляет:


Сообщение отредактировал Жги Их Всех: 08 September 2011 - 0:38
The reason heavy missiles are used in pvp has nothing to do with actual heavy missiles. HM's are used because
a) Drakes can use them, and Drakes are the kalashnikovs of eve (easy to use, really durable, and there are some regions of the eve universe where a drake is cheaper than a chicken).
Tengus. 100mn Tengu, Nuff said. © PotatoOverdose
a) Drakes can use them, and Drakes are the kalashnikovs of eve (easy to use, really durable, and there are some regions of the eve universe where a drake is cheaper than a chicken).

Отправлено 08 September 2011 - 8:33

'Pointer', 08 Сент 2011 - 00:48, написал(а):
Американский спецназ
какие то азиатские американцы не?

'StarconTroll', 08 Сент 2011 - 04:35, написал(а):
Это оно так сахар любит? 0_о
а фиг знает мне такого чуда домой не надо боже упаси)))) по названию видео можно понять что это кокаин но я сомневаюсь. это скорей всего какой нибудь специальный песочек

The reason heavy missiles are used in pvp has nothing to do with actual heavy missiles. HM's are used because
a) Drakes can use them, and Drakes are the kalashnikovs of eve (easy to use, really durable, and there are some regions of the eve universe where a drake is cheaper than a chicken).
Tengus. 100mn Tengu, Nuff said. © PotatoOverdose
a) Drakes can use them, and Drakes are the kalashnikovs of eve (easy to use, really durable, and there are some regions of the eve universe where a drake is cheaper than a chicken).

Отправлено 08 September 2011 - 14:48

The reason heavy missiles are used in pvp has nothing to do with actual heavy missiles. HM's are used because
a) Drakes can use them, and Drakes are the kalashnikovs of eve (easy to use, really durable, and there are some regions of the eve universe where a drake is cheaper than a chicken).
Tengus. 100mn Tengu, Nuff said. © PotatoOverdose
a) Drakes can use them, and Drakes are the kalashnikovs of eve (easy to use, really durable, and there are some regions of the eve universe where a drake is cheaper than a chicken).

Отправлено 08 September 2011 - 18:58

'y0ric', 06 Сент 2011 - 08:21, написал(а):
Искусство! Перформанс!
Как по мне, так отборное топливо для биореактора.
Трепанацию мозга на дом, пожалуйста, жду.
404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed,
had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed,
had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Отправлено 09 September 2011 - 17:03

- Я ухожу от тебя, ты вечно подкалываешь меня по поводу лишнего веса!
- Подумай о нашем ребёнке!
- О каком ребёнке?
- Так ты не беременна?!
Сообщение отредактировал Kentukki: 09 September 2011 - 17:05
Отправлено 09 September 2011 - 20:04

наигранно правда но все же 

Сообщение отредактировал Жги Их Всех: 09 September 2011 - 20:05
The reason heavy missiles are used in pvp has nothing to do with actual heavy missiles. HM's are used because
a) Drakes can use them, and Drakes are the kalashnikovs of eve (easy to use, really durable, and there are some regions of the eve universe where a drake is cheaper than a chicken).
Tengus. 100mn Tengu, Nuff said. © PotatoOverdose
a) Drakes can use them, and Drakes are the kalashnikovs of eve (easy to use, really durable, and there are some regions of the eve universe where a drake is cheaper than a chicken).

Отправлено 12 September 2011 - 14:41

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