Немецкое дерево и немного ТТХ (скрины)

Неофициальный пачноут 0.8.5.
Покупка премиумных расходников за кредиты!
Взвод на 3 человека теперь доступен без премиум аккаунта!
Создание роты доступно без премиум аккаунта!
Уменьшена кредитная стоимомть камуфляжей и декалей.
Техника в патче 0.8.5.
Aufklarerpanzer Panther (ЛТ 7 уровня);
VK 2001 DB (СТ 4 уровня);
VK 3001 DB (СТ 6 уровня);
Indien Panzer (СТ 8 уровня);
Prototype der Arbeitsgruppe A (СТ 9 уровня);
Leopard 1 (СТ 10 уровня).
T-60 (ЛТ 2 уровня);
T-70 (ЛТ 3 уровня);
T-80 (ЛТ 4 уровня).
Американская премиумная арта 3 уровня Sexton переведена в Британское дерево и стала доступна в магазине.
Супертестеры получили для теста следующие танки:
A33 Excelsior - премиумный британский ТТ 5 уровня;
Объект 907 - специальный советский СТ 10 уровня;
M60 - специальный американский СТ 10 уровня;
VK7201 - специальный немецкий ТТ 10 уровня.
Все остальное на английском
- Visual models fixed for: IS-3, Valentine AT, Pz V Panther, Pz IV/V, Object 263, VK 3001H, Conqueror, IS-4M.
- IS-7 maximum speed increased from 50 to 59.6 km/h
- Shell speed for 17сm PaK K72 gun increased from 850 to 925 m/s
- Added new Asian map: "Pearl River"
- Maps reworked for improved rendering: "Ziegfried Line", "Southern Coast", "Malinovka".
- Visual and gameplay updates for maps: "Redshire", "El-Hallouf", "Karelia".
- Changes made in Assault mode for maps: "Malinovka", "Karelia", "Sand River".
- New color correction filters added for testing in improved rendering mode; maps: "Steppes", "Himmelsdorf", "Live Oaks".
- Post-battle screen changed and updated
- Notification messages now sent after automatic conversion replaces modules, shells or tanks in new version release process.
- Added new inscriptions for 5 nations.
- Inscriptions resolution increased twice.
- Fixed super-large vehicles getting stuck under ledges and jutting elements (bridges, etc..).
- Fixed rare error with small damage shells getting vanished after hitting a gun with large HP number
- Fixed HE rounds not dealing full damage to external modules after penetrating it.
- Fixed HE shells hit and explode on crew modules of a destroyed open-turret tank.
- Fixed error visualizing shells explosion in the air.
- Fixed rare fuel tank destruction indicator not showing in some situations.
- Destroyed tanks do not consume HE shells damage not. HE shells not always explode on the surface of such tanks.
- Fixed smaller and lighter tank not getting damaged when being on top of the heavier and larger one.
- Fixed inscriptions and logos vanishing after using alt-TAB or changing graphics settings.
- Fixed low memory warning mechanism
- Fixed errors with creating new private chat room: creator did not appear in the list of participants, and closing attempt made that chat window freeze.
- Fixed several Premium tanks modules missing in the Store.
- Fixed description of "Raider" achievement.
- Fixed minor errors in several tanks and modules descriptions.
- Fixed "The Lion of Sinai" achievement description
- Fixed minor errors in battle training.
- Fixed Camo net and Binocular telescope effects fading after an attempt to start to move having broken track
- Fixed "Sixth sense" indicator not showing after instant repeating detection
- Moving effects (dirt and dust from the tracks) performance optimized.
- Reduced surface resistance when moving over some destroyed objects.