Whereas 2013 was full of possibilities for the developers of Andromeda, 2014 was full of politics. Conflicts emerged between BioWare staffers at the company’s two main studios, in Edmonton and Montreal. Developers in Edmonton said they thought the game was floundering in pre-production and didn’t have a strong enough vision, while developers in Montreal thought that Edmonton was trying to sabotage them, taking ideas and staff from Montreal for its own projects, Dragon Age: Inquisition and Dylan.
Some at Montreal saw the directorial shift as Edmonton trying to take over their game, while some at Edmonton saw it as them needing to come in and rescue it.
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4 года занимались пре-продакшеном и пилили технодемки. Фростбайт не сдавался. История и анимашка не продвигались. В студиях начались разброд и шатания. Дедлайн поджимал, пришлось в авральном темпе делать стори-лайн и все остальное при сопутствующем бардаке. Получилось то, что получилось.