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В общем, всё даже грустнее:
In addition to giving bonuses to your ships combat computers also control how your ships move in combat.
- The aggressive computer will make the ship move forward towards the enemy until the ship gets into knife range and keep it there.
- The defensive computer will make your ships move as little as possible - they will try to maintain maximum firing range and shoot from there.
- The default/balanced computer is a mixture of the two - it will try to close the range, but it will not allow your ships to go as close as aggressive computers will. Once it tries to get into its preferred range it will try to maintain it similar to a defensive computer.
What this means in-game is that you want ships equipped with short ranged weapons (autocannons etc) MUST use at least the default computer (since aggressive is bugged) so that they can close the range. If you try to use the defensive computer with larger sized formations some of your ships will just stand back and refuse to fire at all. Obviously, since evasion is king, the defensive computer also gives the best bonus of all computers - but it works the worst with covette firing patters since corvettes generally use S-sized weapons that are low on range. At the same time aggressive computer bonuses (if they weren't broke) give a firepower bonus, which would be more useful to your capital ships. At the same time you WANT them firing from the back, but the aggressive computer would make them charge ahead.
As you can see the whole combat computer module section is very illogical and counter intuitive - you want the evasion bonus on ships that close the distance and the damage bonus (if it wasn't bugged) on ships that shoot from afar. Whoever designed combat computers clearly put very little thought in the process.
In practical terms you are best off using the highest range weapon you can mount on your corvettes and use defensive computers on everything. If you don't have access to high range weapons use the Default/Balanced computer instead to be able to close the range and still get a big of bonuses out of it.
Вкратце - компьютер определяет не только бонусы, но и поведение корабля в бою, и агрессивный комп (+% к атаке, если бы бонус работал) на дальнобойном линкоре - плохая идея, так как линкор попрётся в штыковую.