twostepI have to congratilate you on getting trolled at this forum your first time. I should say that this one was quite light trolling, very gentle I'd say. But be warned - trolling here is a sport and every topic gets it trolls on whatever reason and direction. It's just how it works here. What you have to learn is to avoid feeding the trolls and ignore what they write.
Your main error was getting into discussing non-eve discussion. You had to ignore any part that was not related directly to your candidacy and views on the game (or at least stop answering to the questions when things gone messy).
I don't like Fon myself very much - I just don't like his attitude and do not share his views on the game. Usually we do not care even if he would be a skinhead - as long as he keeps that to himself and does not impose that on others. As long as people understand that- we don't give a f**c. What matters - if a person can be reasoned with and compromise. The thing with Fon is that from my expirence of interacting with his is that he doesn't like to compromise and thinks too high of himself - so I just don't interact with him. But there are many people who are just thinking of themselfes too much (and much more) - that makes such things like this racial stuff spilling all over the forum.
There is a 0.0 political forum section - you will be horrified of the things that happen there, it's just plain maddness there and it takes toul on people who actually post there. Conflicts between people spill out of that part pretty quickly to other forum parts and people get bans. This is what happened here, so you should really re-think your position and if you want to understand Fon - talk to him directly, discuss things. You are on this forum only a few weeks (maybe reading it more) and unaware of the inner relationships of the people here. Usually our W-Space section is quite and harmfull and people here will listen to reason. And most of us from the russian WH community are grown up people with work, kids and the game for us is the game - we rearly mix in-game politics and actions with the actual persons. I can get ganked by someone in game and just laught it off here on the forum with the person who did it.
I've tried to stay out of the discussion about the racial differences and, well, I failed. So jumping in, but this will be my personal view of a russian-speaking person.
What many, including me, do not like about the americans and ther affinity with the racicm theme is that we see it just as a ridicilous excuse to accuse people of racism if someone tells that he doesn't like that guy/girl and they happen to be different races and that can be seen as racism. Sure, the black-white people relationship in US is historically very drammatic and it's quite different of the rest of the world. But we see the same racial thing going on with the muslims (largely in Europe). And what most see is that toleration got countries like Germany and France into some serious shit and makes us in a sence happy that we do not have such things here. We have a saying: Don't go into someonce monastery with our own rules. If someone of different race and belief wants to live in other country with different culture, beliefs and traditions - he should accept that you will have to change some things in yourself too. It doesn't mean you have to abandon your tradition, belife, etc. The person should understand that it is he, who chosen to live in the other society, not the society chose to live with him.
The great example of this is how muslims go to live in Europe and start things like "They offend me because they have a dog! My bellife is that it's dirty animal! These people should restrict my contact bla bla bla". And they do not learn language. And they think it's ok for their women to dress into paranja and walk on the streets, and many things more. Like the Jordge Carlin says "F**C YOU!". It's they, who offend me by comming to my country and demanding that their belifes should be respected, that I should not have a dog and so on. Want to live near me? Adapt, make compromises. No one will say anything about you reading the coran, praying 5 (or 7) times a day, not eating the pork and beliving your wife should whear the paranja. It's his buissiness and untill he keeps it private - he will be accepted. His wife can think of some more appropriate clothes that do good job in hiding her, but not standing out in the crowed as much as she does in that black something wheird. And it's absolutelly insane (I've just recently read that it's quite common now in some europe countries) to demand that you should have your waiter/manager/etc to be male/female because by the laws of the society they have lived before it is demanded.
Many russian speaking adapt to the new community abroad and don't really stand out from it.
So here you go. That is an absolutly different view on the subject, probably will be hard to accept. But I can think of a reason why we don't give much attention on racism and related issues. It's the history of Europe. We had so many wars and different nationalities mixed so much during the eons that if you dig into almost anybodies history - you will find that there are tons of different nationalities mixed in. I'm myself am 50% ucranian, 25% russian and 25% latvian. Was born and live in latvia. Both latvian and russian are my native languages (I spoke both since started to talk) and know English quite good as you can see. Many of us in this reagion are like that (thanks to USSR). We are a mix of different nationalities and many of us just don't care about the nationality because of that.
I'm not really willing to continue the discussion and others should stop it too. I maybe will answer to some concrete questions if will be asked, but keep it important.
2allНарод, давайте закрываем тему расизма, национализма и.т.д.
Если кто-то прочитает выше написанное и захочет что-то возразить/дополнить/обсудить - либо делайте это очень коротко (не факт что буду отвечать), или давайте выносите в "Обо всём" или пишите в приват.
Ещё немного, и модераторы просто закроют/зачистят топик за нарушение правил форума. Так что хватит, а тролей просьба покинуть наш уютный WH уголок.
Сообщение отредактировал Psihius: 17 February 2012 - 19:03