О таки накинули в личку - спасибо БРО за ссылку!
Main isk farming place of southern block, tons of farming bots.
Strike on those systems will significantly affect on southern guys will to fight. Hammering wallet is quite painful and unpleasant for them.
All kills made in those systems will be awarded with a bounty:
for example, after killing Tengu at the cost of 1kkk - this cost will be paid (in isk, divided equal parts) between all involved alliance pilots in killmail.
Bounites for scalps will be paid each Sunday.
So, let's do in these goats
Если кратко на нашем - "пидорги ботят в этих сисах - набигайте/убивайте/ништяки получайте - за каждый килл будете получать стоимость убитого шипа в равных долях все кто был в км.
Сообщение отредактировал Forward: 19 August 2011 - 14:20