Даже как-то не удобно прерывать столь забавный флуд, но не может мне кто-нибудь вот такую инфу прокомментировать?
1) 'I am going to start off first by saying I am sorry, sorry for allowing the cluster fuck that is this campaign and the h-w situation to have happened or more importantly to have allowed it to get so bad.
Lets take it from the worst thing first, the h-w fiasco. The attack on H-W was never supposed to have happened, the original plan involved camping down H-W on the morning of the 9th to keep as much of the NC contained while a smaller but cap heavy group of forces went off sbuing/reinforcing stuff all over pb/fade. One of the straining points of the plan was that it was all created on a rather hasty whim by SirMolle on a Thursday night after a number of his FC's and best grunts started to scream at him for action or they were leaving.
So how did we end up sieging H-W instead, I have no fuckin idea to be perfectly honest -- but whatever happened, happened and by the time the day was through it seemed Molle had some misguided conception that he could camp H-W in a PR-8 style as goons/nc had done to BoB before the fall of Delve. The only problem was he failed to realize the details in that when PR-8 was camped up, it was like 25 alliances vs his mainly 2 alliances (IT/-A-) whereas H-W was our collective 6-8 alliances vs NC blob's however fuckin many alliances. Worst yet there was little to no success to date on our part to demoralize/fracture NC numbers, so when H-W was threatened, it was like walking into a bear cave in the middle of winter and popping off a few rounds for lols then sticking around to see if you get eaten or not. Well ladies, we got eaten.
The whole idea of logging capitals off in H-W was a ludicrously stupid plan, it was one I was vocal about not doing and my biggest regret in this whole situation is failing to do what I have done for the past 3 years -- telling others to go fuck themselves and issuing my own orders in the best interest of ATLAS. I was trying to be a team player and it bit us in the ass -- I will not make that same mistake again. I have no problem working with allies but at the end of the day, never will I allow us again to be subordinate to other peoples plans. You take what ATLAS offers you or you can suck our collective dicks.
I am going to try keep the rest of this short, the entirety of this NC campaign is and has been a joke, it never materialized as was envisioned and the sooner everyone involved realizes that the less retarded everyone will look. I really don't give a shit what people think about us for pulling out but we are going home. The allies we care about know we are leaving and understand, the rest of them, well thats really only IT -- I don't really care what they think. I have a feeling the only thing this campaign has proven among the SC alliances, is to never let IT lead another campaign.
This campaign was so stupid it even cost us our first titan loss after 3 years, sure it was going to happen eventually and that is the only comfort we have but we will not be phased by it -- shit happens, ships blow up, we move on. If you got iskies to spare I do encourage you to dig deep and generously with your donations to beehatch. It does not matter the circumstances of how or why he died, all that matters is he died in the name of ATLAS by putting himself out there in a hostile system under questionable and stupidly disorganized circumstances and for that we will make sure he is taken care of, expect to see him in a new titan VERY soon.
If you have a super capital stuck in H-W, thats easy to get out -- login 2-3 minutes before downtime or even in the final minute, make fleet with cyno pilot, jump out on exit from warp. This can and should also be done by regular capitals but when doing so it is VERY important that you make sure YOU INVITE THE CYNO PILOT to your own fleet right after you've logged in, this will make sure that YOU HAVE NO SESSION TIMER, so the minute you land from login warp, you can jump out instantly. There is no reason this has to be done near downtime for conventional capitals but downtime does serve as a nice cutoff in case you screw up.
The bottom line for conventional capitals and support stuck in H-W is to get out, if that means you die trying then so be it, we will do our best to reimburse all losses. Effective immediate we are cutting dread reimbursements to 650m as a cost saving measure, this is not something I want to do but our budget czar Kneto tells me that it must be done and so, it is done. Let this be your incentive to get out alive... lol. We do have an assortment of dreads available and will replace lost dreads with new hulls where possible.
3) "New Orders, Go Home"
The orders are simple, pack your bags and head home towards 0-w or whatever corner of our space you call home. If you have the ability to do so please assist with or setup cyno chains towards hothomo to get people rolling. I would like everyone home and restaged for combat ops out of 0-w by no later than Thursday, though we will likely start ops before that on a smaller scale. We got allot of shit near home to cleanup and new faggots arriving in curse that should provide some fun.
If you have shit lingering in raha, obe or god forbid still in eurgrana (like me) then take some time and relocate those assets back home also. Sure a road trip might be on the agenda again in the future but if and when that happens it will be more on the scale of geminate campaign where we do what we want, when we want and secondary to our fun will be the agenda of our allies.
I want to thank everyone that tried to make good out of the cluster fuck that was the NC campaign and again apologize to all those who found themselves trapped in H-W, I will not allow that to ever happen again.