Busy day for Ev0ke and friends today:
We started gathering at around 06:30 (german time) to go for the reinforced towers from thursday. We had 8 towers in reinforce (all highend stuff belonging to new Goons-Alliance), with first one already exit when we started gathering.
So for obvious reasons we left that one and concentrated on the others. Together with CH and DT brosefs we went into X-M9ON and started hammering the tower (fleet @ around 200 at this time). At the same time Solo gathered a fleet of around 170 (~20-25 carriers) and moved into U65 to save tower there. While we secured anchoring in X-M, Solo managed to safe tower in U65. After that Solo moved into CX-7 to safe the tower there.
As we didn't expected Solo to show up that strong we didn't asked for reinforced node, so motd was to avoid a fight and get as much towers as possible.
While Solo being still in CX-7 we bridged into LSC4 to engage the tower there. Short time later we successfully got that one and replaced it.
After a short bio it seemed that Solo was not able to keep up numbers and they withdraw to 9-4. That pushed up motivation within our fleet an we decided to go for the big business.
5-MLDT was next tower to go and this was secured without any enemy fleet showing up or forming. We used the delay till downtime to reinforce another 3 highends throughout Syndicate.
I had to take a nap after that, so in short terms:
9U-TTJ and BMNV-P had been destroyed and replaced aswell, while our glorious leader placed SBU in G8AD (last Solo stationsystem not in reinforce so far) to go and get that system in the afternoon.
At around 18:00 german time we started to engage iHub and station in G8AD, which are both in reinforce now aswell.
Due to the hard business of shooting nonmoving targets, we decided to call it a day and give our pilots some time to go for a roam and get some kills.
So totals:
5 taken highends
3 safed highend by solo
3 new reinforced highends
G8AD station and ihub reinforce
We like to thank CH and DT a lot for showing up and going the long distance with us (nearly 13 hours of shooting structures is no fun tbh), this is much appreciated.
It's lovely to see Solo back in business and we hope for some fights in the near future.
Afaik first stations and ihub will exit by end of this weekend, nice opportunity for getting some action.
Busy day for Ev0ke and friends today:
We started gathering at around 06:30 (german time) to go for the reinforced towers from thursday. We had 8 towers in reinforce (all highend stuff belonging to new Goons-Alliance), with first one already exit when we started gathering.
So for obvious reasons we left that one and concentrated on the others. Together with CH and DT brosefs we went into X-M9ON and started hammering the tower (fleet @ around 200 at this time). At the same time Solo gathered a fleet of around 170 (~20-25 carriers) and moved into U65 to save tower there. While we secured anchoring in X-M, Solo managed to safe tower in U65. After that Solo moved into CX-7 to safe the tower there.
As we didn't expected Solo to show up that strong we didn't asked for reinforced node, so motd was to avoid a fight and get as much towers as possible.
While Solo being still in CX-7 we bridged into LSC4 to engage the tower there. Short time later we successfully got that one and replaced it.
After a short bio it seemed that Solo was not able to keep up numbers and they withdraw to 9-4. That pushed up motivation within our fleet an we decided to go for the big business.
5-MLDT was next tower to go and this was secured without any enemy fleet showing up or forming. We used the delay till downtime to reinforce another 3 highends throughout Syndicate.
I had to take a nap after that, so in short terms:
9U-TTJ and BMNV-P had been destroyed and replaced aswell, while our glorious leader placed SBU in G8AD (last Solo stationsystem not in reinforce so far) to go and get that system in the afternoon.
At around 18:00 german time we started to engage iHub and station in G8AD, which are both in reinforce now aswell.
Due to the hard business of shooting nonmoving targets, we decided to call it a day and give our pilots some time to go for a roam and get some kills.
So totals:
5 taken highends
3 safed highend by solo
3 new reinforced highends
G8AD station and ihub reinforce
We like to thank CH and DT a lot for showing up and going the long distance with us (nearly 13 hours of shooting structures is no fun tbh), this is much appreciated.
It's lovely to see Solo back in business and we hope for some fights in the near future.
Afaik first stations and ihub will exit by end of this weekend, nice opportunity for getting some action.
5 забрали у гунов
3 гуны защитили
3 в новом реинфорсе
в G8AD станция и хаб в первом реинфорсе
ну и так, для полноты картиныhttp://killboard.cry...mp;kll_id=83391