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Опрос: Mechwarrior (386 пользователей проголосовало)

Какая игра по вселенной Battletech является наиболее интересной

  1. Mechwarrior (26 голосов [6.74%])

    Процент голосов: 6.74%

  2. Mechwarrior 2 (32 голосов [8.29%])

    Процент голосов: 8.29%

  3. Проголосовал Mechwarrior 3 (90 голосов [23.32%])

    Процент голосов: 23.32%

  4. Mech Commander (30 голосов [7.77%])

    Процент голосов: 7.77%

  5. Проголосовал Mechwarrior 4 (89 голосов [23.06%])

    Процент голосов: 23.06%

  6. Mechwarrior 3050 (BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat) (9 голосов [2.33%])

    Процент голосов: 2.33%

  7. BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception (6 голосов [1.55%])

    Процент голосов: 1.55%

  8. Проголосовал Mech Commander 2 (39 голосов [10.10%])

    Процент голосов: 10.10%

  9. Mechwarrior Online (45 голосов [11.66%])

    Процент голосов: 11.66%

  10. Настолка (20 голосов [5.18%])

    Процент голосов: 5.18%

Голосовать Гости не могут голосовать



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И ККатапульта и свейбек это самый каноничный канон - тобишь заводские варианты этих мехов :1_7:

Они ещё второго ханча не видели, лол. Вот там настоящие молодость и хардкор.

Сообщение отредактировал RazoR: 05 July 2012 - 0:53

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второй клановский, но что хардкор - труЪ
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Война - фигня. Главное - маневр!

Noli mi tengre, людишки.

Stas Kalasa

Stas Kalasa

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молодость и хардкор.

Только 2443 только ведро!
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спойлерТоже запощу картинку. Чисто чтобы вы не забывали кто в буду свет провел.
Posted Image

Knight Phaeton

Knight Phaeton

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Хм, а я думал, у пони мехи четырехногие
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LOVE AND TOLERATE лол лять тьфу!

А ну как с гаусса зафигачу в кабинку? а?!
  • 0

We don't need to get a life, we gamers have many lifes.

Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.



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второй клановский, но что хардкор - труЪ

Спасибо, кэп.
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хардкор самый был в 4 мехваре таки с рельсой. :lol:
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хардкор самый был в 4 мехваре таки с рельсой. :lol:

Неидущее говно для нубов. Писюн и на простой маре отстреливается в момент, а тут так вообще.
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возвращаясь к бэковости амарского лазорного хунча

спойлерHBK-4P: 8 медлазеров
Type/Model: Hunchback HBK-4P
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3025
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Level 1, Standard design

Mass: 50 tons
Chassis: Komiyaba Type VIII Standard
Power Plant: 200 Nissan Fusion
Walking Speed: 43,2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64,8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Starshield Standard
8 Ichiba 2000 Medium Lasers
1 Diverse Optics Type 10 Small Laser
Manufacturer: Komiyaba/Nissan General Industries
Location: (Unknown)
Communications System: Sony MST-15
Targeting & Tracking System: Tacticon Tracer 300

The HBK-4G Hunchback is a heavy-hitting fighting vehicle. Serving in medium and assault lances of many regiments of the Successor States, it has earned a distinguished fighting record. Designed in early 2572, the Hunchback continues as a popular vehicle both in House Liao and House Kurita regiments. It is also used extensively by House Marik armed forces.
The Hunchback is widely known for its streetfighting abilities in the confined spaces of urban battles. With its massive firepower at close range and its two heavy battle fists, it is more than a match for many heavier 'Mechs.

The Hunchback is armed for short- to medium-range combat. At medium ranges, its combined armament of two Ichiba 2000 medium lasers and its massive Tomodzuru Type 20 autocannon mount can rip through even the heaviest armor. At close ranges, the powerful autocannon and the Diverse Optics Type 10 small laser make it very dangerous to attack the Hunchback
From a defensive point of view, the Hunchback's armor fits its tonnage class. The medium amount of armor carried plus the immense close-in firepower ensure that it will overcome many other medium 'Mechs. Too many MechWarriors, however, consider the Hunchback a match for heavy 'Mechs, only to find that its armor just does not have the staying power for extended combat with the behemoth heavy models.
The 'Mech's maneuverability and heat dispersion are also average for a medium machine. Unfortunately, its large Tomodzuru Type 20 autocannon creates so much heat when fired that a pilot must take great care to avoid buildup.

==Battle History:==
During the Battle of Pike IV in 3012, Right's Medium Lance of Pasquesi's Battalion led the assault on the city of Paramus. The two Hunchbacks of the unit were first into the city, and began to tear apart the light 'Mechs left as a screen by the 42nd Armored Lightning Regiment. As Pasquesi's assault lances came charging into the central business district, they saw the two Hunchbacks of Right's Lance in a fistfight with two Crusaders. A third Crusader leaned drunkenly against a skyscraper, its center torso shot through. Before Pasquesi's heavy 'Mechs could come to the aid of the Hunchbacks, the 'Mechs had eliminated both their adversaries. One Crusader had a punched-in head section, and the right leg of the other had been ripped off with a point-blank autocannon shot.
During the attack on New Ivaarsen in October 3021, House Kurita's Fifth Galedon Regulars charged their assault and medium lances against the Davion defense position outside the fortified city of Twin Peaks. Organized as city-busters for this campaign, the Fifth Galedon unfortunately lacked enough 'Mechs with long-range projectile weapons, as the Kurita commander never expected that House Davion could set up an effective defense outside the city.
The Hunchbacks and other 'Mechs of the Kurita assault lances were ordered to force their way into Twin Peaks, but the charge was short-lived. Peppered with Davion's long-range missile and autocannon fire, many Galedon 'Mechs were disabled before getting halfway to the city gates. Unable to return effective fire, first one, then many MechWarriors turned their 'Mechs around, and charged for the nearest cover. The defenders held Twin Peaks until substantial Davion reinforcements arrived, then forced the Fifth Galedon Regulars to retreat.

Because of the serious heat buildup associated with use of the Type 20 autocannon, most variations of the Hunchback design have dropped this weapon in favor of smaller weapons systems. Some of these include SRM six-racks, LRM five- and ten-racks, increased numbers of medium lasers, and smaller autocannon. Indeed, a variety of weapons variations exist throughout the Successor States. Eliminating the Type 20 autocannon from the Hunchback makes it almost an entirely new 'Mech. Because of this, many warriors refer to aHunchback with no AC-20 as a "Swayback", as removal of the massive weapon totally alters the 'Mech's torso.

==Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:==
Commandant Isoroku Kurita
Commander of the First Regiment, Sun Zhang Academy Cadre, lsoroku Kurita swears by the Hunchback and would not consider piloting any other. An expert in urban 'Mech combat, he is Takashi Kurita's nephew. He is presently more of an instructor than a front-line MechWarrior, however. lsoroku has taken part in over 30 engagements and destroyed 22 'Mechs while commanding his Hunchback, the Murakumi (Cloud-Gatherer). For example, he spearheaded the assault on the city of Barnstable in the Fourth Battle of Harrow's Sun. In that foray, he suffered head injuries when his Hunchback was knocked down by the rubble from a building collapsing nearby. While recuperating from this injury, he was given command of a cadre regiment.

Captain Shawn Phillips
Commander of House Liao's Phillips' Company of Ling's Battalion, 15th Dracon Regiment, Shawn Phillips is a serious and deadly MechWarrior in his Hunchback, the Retribution. Orphaned at a young age by a Davion counterattack on his home planet of Lincoln V, he was adopted by a sergeant in the repair section of the 15th Dracon Regiment, which was then stationed on Lincoln V for R & R.
Phillips learned BattleMech combat from the ground up, first helping to repair damaged 'Mechs, then rebuilding those destroyed but shipped back from the front. Phillips built his own Hunchback from spares and cannibalized parts, and so the design is unusual. The Type 20 autocannon has been replaced with two SRM six racks (15 shots each) and two arm-mounted medium lasers. This mixed bag of weaponry has caught many opponents by surprise over the years.

Type/Model: Hunchback HBK-4P
Mass: 50 tons

Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 83 pts Standard 0 5,00
Engine: 200 6 8,50
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 23 Single 15 13,00
(Heat Sink Loc: 7 LT, 2 RT, 2 CT, 2 LL, 2 RL)
Gyro: 4 2,00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors: 5 3,00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA+H R: Sh+UA+LA+H 16 ,00
Armor Factor: 160 pts Standard 0 10,00

Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 16 26
Center Torso (Rear): 5
L/R Side Torso: 12 20/20
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 4/4
L/R Arm: 8 16/16
L/R Leg: 12 20/20

Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
6 Medium Lasers RT 18 6 6,00
1 Medium Laser RA 3 1 1,00
1 Medium Laser LA 3 1 1,00
1 Small Laser HD 1 1 ,50
TOTALS: 25 55 50,00
Crits & Tons Left: 23 ,00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 3 377 876 C-Bills
Battle Value: 960
Cost per BV: 3 518,62
Weapon Value: 1 362 / 1 362 (Ratio = 1,42 / 1,42)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 30; MRDmg = 5; LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 4, Armor/Structure: 4/4
Damage PB/M/L: 5/4/-, Overheat: 0
Class: MM; Point Value: 10

  • 1

Война - фигня. Главное - маневр!

Noli mi tengre, людишки.



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Писюн и на простой маре отстреливается в момент, а тут так вообще.

Но тут надо сначала подойти... :icon_twisted:
Все кроме асолтов просто ваншотится с горизонта.
Но оружие дурацкое.

Сообщение отредактировал Brownshweiger: 05 July 2012 - 8:39

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Но тут надо сначала подойти... :icon_twisted:

Ох лолы. На открытой карте мара2 живёт чуть дольше чем аннигилятор.
В клозе рельса нинужна.

Ах да, ещё есть такая прекрасная вещь как блад асп с лайтгусями, который чихал на радары и рэйнджи.

Сообщение отредактировал RazoR: 05 July 2012 - 9:14

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Georges Mestral

Georges Mestral

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Настоящий хардкор - это Омега.


150 тонн беспощадного нагиба за гранью добра, зла и здравого смысла.
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ну как бэ, без комментариев...


Сообщение отредактировал Starslayer: 05 July 2012 - 10:14

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Война - фигня. Главное - маневр!

Noli mi tengre, людишки.



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ну как бэ, без комментариев...


покрашено годно =)
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не воспринимайте всё на свой счет - закончите суицидом, а спасать мне вас влом © Я

Georges Mestral

Georges Mestral

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ну как бэ, без комментариев...

Фи, всего 135 тонн. Омега, между прочим, вполне себе КБТшен - засветился в финале Джихада. Жаль только что сумма недостатков перевешивает даже тройку гауссовок и две ЛБ-10Х с C3i.
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Эата ваша омега выпиливается парой пачек инфантрей с детпаками. А у ареса 3 (три) ноги и все 3 с АРР. :P
ну это все лирика конечно. Все подобные конфиги мертворожденные, годны только для сценариев сюжетных.
  • 0

Война - фигня. Главное - маневр!

Noli mi tengre, людишки.

Georges Mestral

Georges Mestral

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Эата ваша омега выпиливается парой пачек инфантрей с детпаками. А у ареса 3 (три) ноги и все 3 с АРР. :P
ну это все лирика конечно. Все подобные конфиги мертворожденные, годны только для сценариев сюжетных.

Ну... Наличие C3i какбэ намекает нам что АРР Омеги в количестве пяти штук ходит рядом. Тем не менее конфиг заранее расчитан на провал, если бы хотели сделать имбу - дали бы клановские ер ларджи или ер пульсы с ткомпом. Упоминавшийся в описании прототип с четырьмя HAG40 тоже зловещ, но тема так и осталась нераскрытой.
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комуинть бету уже одобрили?
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