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    Clone Grade Alpha

  • Tech III Pilots
  • Pip
  • 57 сообщений
  • Corp:Adeptus Gephesticus
  • Channel:Engine
  • Client:Eng
Ковыряя дамп еве, нашел прикольные айтемы :)

Creative Bonus 'Research time -5%.'
Epileptic Bonus 'Prevents attribute change instigated skill training time adjustments. Boosters and trained skills which change the primary or secondary attributes would therefore have no effect on an epileptic character.'
Algiophobia Bonus 'PwC +5% when in combat (being shot at).'
Barophobia Bonus '+50% warp cost if planet/moon in target bubble.'
Cenophobia Bonus '+50% warp cost to bubbles with no station/stargate.
Claustrophobia Bonus 'If floating in capsule in space for 5 mins, he dies.'
Monophobia Bonus 'Dies if he doesn't dock at a station every 60 mins.'
Mysophobia Bonus 'Worse agent missions.'
Taphephobia Bonus 'If Structure damage is >25% then he ejects capsule.'
Xenophobia Bonus 'Faction standing modifier -25% vs. factions of other race.'

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