Изюм вообще гораздо более опасный корабль. Хоть и тупость, но танкует носом, раканы часто не знают, что с этим делать. ПМК крайне длинное, опять же.
Айова, имхо, представляет угрозу только для авиакнопок.
1.Are there plans to add two different types of premium camouflage for premium ships so that they can be painted to give different bonuses (avoidance or stealth)?
– There are plans to implement a third camo type for credits, which will grant both types of combat bonuses. Moreover, all gold camos should also recieve both bonuses and thus solve the problem of choice once and for all.
2.Are there any plans for purchasable ports or will they be added for free in updates from time to time?
– No plans for paid ports yet.
9.Is there the posibility of adding skills to AA and the minor cannons on ships. Like boosted accuracy, range, or dmg of the guns? Or even better, make AA shoot torpedoes with low accuracy? It would help Arkansas/Albany and so on.
– The last patch brought such skills.
34.Will there be an American Premium that can be used for leveling the captain?
– Two American premium BB’s will come in the near future.
И много-много "следите за новостями" и "в ближайшей перспективе нет" (тм)