"A successful Invention always results in a BPC with at least one run. Before decryptors are considered, ship T2 BPCs have a maximum of one run and all other items have a maximum of ten runs. This maximum is modified by Decryptors as mentioned above. The number of runs on a BPC from a successful Invention is proportional to the number of runs on the input BPC divided by the maximum runs on the input BPC.
Note that a consequence of this is that it is not worthwhile to use maximum run input BPCs when inventing ships without decryptors. When inventing ships, one run is both the maximum and minimum, thus additional runs on the input BPC will not improve the output. When using decryptors, maximum run BPCs are recommended to take full advantage of the run enhancements."
Сообщение отредактировал ALKS: 24 April 2009 - 16:44