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Path of Exile

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Tommy TQ

Tommy TQ

    Everything short of perfection is irrelevant!

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  • EVE Ingame:Tommy Rainbow
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 "Exactly my thoughts... Maybe if it stacked like 20 times and didn't ever fall off. Like wtf? Who's gunna spam perfect strike every few seconds to maintain just a 15% increase? Literally horrible" /с )


"To everyone complaining about them not teasing exciting/big stuff, GGG usually teases a bunch of small stuff then does a stream where they show all the big changes. It's been the same way for quite a long time so don't expect major changes/additions to be shown as these teasers." /с



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    EvE-Ru.Com Hearthstone Championship Staff

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 "Exactly my thoughts... Maybe if it stacked like 20 times and didn't ever fall off. Like wtf? Who's gunna spam perfect strike every few seconds to maintain just a 15% increase? Literally horrible" /с )


"To everyone complaining about them not teasing exciting/big stuff, GGG usually teases a bunch of small stuff then does a stream where they show all the big changes. It's been the same way for quite a long time so don't expect major changes/additions to be shown as these teasers." /с

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