We really should talk...
From: Jeron IV
Sent: 2010.11.26 21:19
To: ***,
Before a self destruct of multiple characters and or accounts were to occur we should just straighted out the deal and move on.
If we cannot come to an agreement then way more than the ISK will be lost as a result of your poor choices.
I am aware of many things right now. I am going to start using these things to make a path of destruction.
Feel free to ignore this message and simply find out what I am talking about. This is your last and only chance at redemption. Test me if you like.
Best regar
Characters of interest
From: Jeron IV
Sent: 2010.11.26 21:45
To: ***,
Involved in our situation.
I have a few IP addresses and a couple external email addresses to begin the ride of joy. Characters first then we'll move on since that is the path you seem to want to take.
Having been a software developer for over 20 years gives you some talents that are worth exploration in these situations.
Emjoy my friend.
happy holi
Для тех кто не владеет буржуинским: Чел вымогает иски, угрожая взломом акка и удалением персов на нем, ибо он кулхацкер . Если бы он был на это способен, то мог втихую стырить акк, перевести чара на другой акк, продать и получить куда больше исок.
Рекомендованные действия - писать питицию в раздел харасмент .