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Фотография Itilgor_ammar


Регистрация: 07 Jun 2008
Не на форуме Активность: Mar 07 2009 10:59

В теме:эпические миссии

03 March 2009 - 23:32

мы, аммары, автономны как атомные подлодки. Нам патронов не надо. :(

В теме:22.02.2009 Тестирование локала в вормхолах + варп

23 February 2009 - 22:14

чот этот варп похож на варп из Вархаммера 40к. Император(императрица) есть осталось Примархов наклепать и Великий Крестовый Поход и Ересь Гора устроить. For teh Empess!!

В теме:такси кризис новые услуги

08 December 2008 - 18:39

тфу, подумал что это топик стартер такие услуги предлагает....

я не проститутка, и надеюсь никогда ею не стану.
(Ога, я старательно сосу :) )

В теме:Императрица возмущена

25 November 2008 - 22:16

не женщина ОН ниразу, с ССРшного сайта про дома :wub: :
Uriam Kador

Uriam personifies all the traits that the Kadors hold so dearly: his tall, splendidly proportioned body gives him a majestic aura of grandeur, his keen intellect makes him a master of oratory and rhetoric and his refined manners inspire loyalty and respect. Uriam is a true leader of men, but his ambitions lie not in the realm of power and rule, but rather in the realms of the mind. A noted philosopher and poet, Uriam’s view on life is very cosmopolitan. Not a true liberal or humanitarian, he is still positively enlightened compared to most of his fellow Holders. He has held various high-level posts within the empire, which have given him a thorough insight into every aspect of Amarrian society. He has already indicated that he will modernize the stale, conditioning education system within his domain, as well as streamlining the entangled, cumbersome trade laws. The only taint on his otherwise excellent carrier is his not-so-well hidden relationship with a Gallentean woman of high stature. His family hopes that Uriam, with his new responsibilities and duties, breaks these shameful ties with his mystery lover.
Класное тогда он женщино.... :1_7:

В теме:Музыка из Кейгенов и Кряков

25 November 2008 - 0:31

ерор 404, втф??!