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Первый этап работы над EVE is Real завершен

27 July 2011 - 11:56

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Первый этап становления и совместной работы над EVE is Real успешно завершен! На сегодняшний день в музей EVE is Real загружено почти 1000 изображений и видеороликов, и этот первый пройденный этап открывает Aurum для всего сообщества EVE Online. Много Aurum, в общей сумме на 108000 Plex. В эту пятницу, 29 июля, мы пополним кошельки всех активных аккаунтов EVE Online на 1000 Aurum.

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Eve Hungary берет интервью у CCP Chiliad

29 June 2011 - 21:10

Кто может, переведите плиз. Выглядит оч. интересно. Заранее - огромное спасибо.

Читаем переведенный текст здесь »
За перевод спасибо C. N.

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HomeViewBlogsMax Torps's blog
Eve Hungary Interview CCP Chiliad on the Captains Quarters and the NPE
Transmitted by Max Torps | YC-113-06-28

EVE Hungary recently had a chance at interviewing a developer, CCP Chiliad, on the new Captain’s Quarters and the NPE in EVE Online: Incarna. To help in allowing more people a chance to read the interview they offered to let us publish this English version, if you want to know more you'll have to read on!
Starfleet Comms would like to thank the CCP Community Team, Eve Hungary and, of course, CCP Chiliad

This interview was sent to CCP a while ago. But CCP Chiliad, busy guy that he is, had to delay his responses until now.

EVE Hungary: There is an excellent assortment of beverages in game such as Chanounian Wine, Zydrine Wine, Zydrine Burn, Liberation Elixir, Quafe Ultra etc. Will they be available in bars, pubs or in our Captain’s Quarters?

EVE Hungary: Can I call over my alt, any agent, or contact person with high standing? Maybe have some exotic dancers visit my Captains Quarters?


CCP Chiliad: We have a long list of things we want to do with the Establishments and where we want develop Captain's Quarters further. Drinking, dancers, agents, boosters, more integrated gameplay and more are all on the list but we haven't quite decided in what order we'll introduce all of this. There are so many ideas and designs that they can't fit into a single expansion and will rather keep us busy for several. I certainly took notes on your wish list of drinks. :blush:

EVE Hungary: Will ship changes be animated, for example capsules being removed from your current ship and loaded to the new ship?

EVE Hungary: Docking, undocking, will it be animated or just a black screen as it is currently?

EVE Hungary: Instead of the cloning facility, will we awake in our Captain’s Quarters? Or do we get a new animation?

CCP Chiliad: Cut scenes for entering the game, entering and exiting the pod and death (being podded) were all things we really wanted to have in the first Incarna expansion for this summer but just didn't have the time for. Those will be added at a later date now that the visual style of characters and station interiors is established.

EVE Hungary: Will there be any new interaction with NPCs in order to get an atmosphere of the stations? For example, will we be able to meet in a canteen? Can we meet with the agents in the station? Or will there be any Mass Effect styled mission where missions are changed and not just the same mission 15 times? Some mission could be inside a station, outside the Captain’s Quarters.


EVE Hungary: Can we place any painting, picture, badge, Tournament trophy on our wall? Maybe EON posters?

CCP Chiliad: There are a few things we want to look into especially on developing Captain's Quarters that include being able to invite people over, creating bigger and more extravagant "upgraded" quarters and customizing your living quarters in different ways. These ideas will be on the table once we're happy with the entry level Captain's Quarters and the first multi-player Establishments like bars.
Other features we'll follow up on is the information available through the screens in Captain's Quarters and adding more new functionality. As an example, being able to follow market feeds and customize them to keep track of market items you're interested in. Most importantly we'll listen to what the EVE players want most as the new step and prioritize our very long wish list of designs accordingly.

EVE Hungary: Will there be any running option to get around faster in Incarna?

CCP Chiliad: We're really happy with the walking speed for Captain's Quarters. For bigger environments like Establishments walking around might prove too slow however, and we might consider adding a faster jog if it's needed.

EVE Hungary: Will there be any poker table in the CQ? Will there be any online poker room?

CCP Chiliad: The first mini-game for Establishments will be Slay. But I can tell you we're big poker fans. There are precious few things that are cooler than being able to lose the keys to your Abaddon or Tempest in a game of high stakes poker in a seedy corner of a bar filled with cigar smoke. Only winning them comes to mind.

EVE Hungary: Will the new tutorial missions be created to teach new players all the basics more thoroughly? Such as agents, mining, trading, manufacturing etc.

CCP Chiliad: This summer we're focusing on streamlining the experience, making EVE easier to approach and making good use of the Captain's Quarters. Old tutorials do the job, but they are pretty heavy reading at times and quite abstract. We wanted to make the combination of tutorials and initials missions easier to follow and feel more hands-on rather than reading a novel. This is also why we brought the voiceovers back for Aura, added helpful images to the tutorial windows and shortened many lengthy tutorials, like the one on the skill training. Career missions are now easier to find and that's where all the more in-depth lessons are learned. We're also considering creating new career agent topics in future expansions.

EVE Hungary: Is it possible, using the Buddy program, to let the invited players and the trial players choose a mentor? And if the mentor chooses, can he pay the first month of gameplay with PLEX for his student?

CCP Chiliad: The mentor can always give his student enough ISK for the student to purchase a PLEX off the market. And a recent addition to the Buddy program is the PLEX for Buddy reward that gives the mentor a free PLEX rather than game time once your new buddy signs up for a full account.

EVE Hungary: What else is there in the New Player Experience?

CCP Chiliad: There are two very cool new things we haven't talked about too much. First, we've redone the very old Recruitment system. Ads are still created as they were before but you can add a recruitment channel and recruiting officers to your ad now. This should make it very easy for players looking for corporations to get in touch with members of your corporation. Searching for corporations now sorts the results based on your search criteria and it's actually really fun to play around with. You can also extend the duration of your ads before they expire. No more recreating ads from scratch every few weeks.
Another very cool feature that has been missing from the game for far too long is the Agent Finder. It allows you to search for any agents you might want to work for. Both features are accessible from the Captain's Quarters.

EVE Hungary: Thank you for the interview.
CCP Chiliad: You’re welcome.