а как по мне ничего такого в игре что бы стоило в нее вернуться за полтора года не произошло....
Донат На хостинг |
ISK за переводы до 75kk за 1000зн. |
Хроники EVE Сборник |
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Ещё раз о подарках к праздникам 2011-го
Автор Clancy, Dec 30 2011 15:26
Отправлено 01 January 2012 - 19:23

Отправлено 01 January 2012 - 19:37

так ничего стоящего того что бы я вернулся со своими 6тью аккаунтами и не произошло.... по сути то я ничего не теряю - теряет сср на этом, что мне в приницпе то и все равно... появится что то стоящее - молодцы отработали мои затраты, непоявится - я то и забил уже давноА что, тебя кто-то заставляет вернуться?
Кто-то и не уходил.. и не собирается.
Отправлено 05 January 2012 - 15:56

спасибо! Отписал петишку, а то из головы вылетело совсем.
Не нравится что я пишу? Плюнь в монитор!
Еж птица гордая - пока не пнешь не полетит..

Еж птица гордая - пока не пнешь не полетит..

Отправлено 07 January 2012 - 10:43

таки, действительно - обещают что-то дать, не прошло и 6 дней - как ответили:
Hi there,
Thank you for contacting customer support. Sorry to hear you did not get the opportunity to choose your gift. While we did try to advertise this as widely as possible and make the process accessible, we understand that due to all manner of circumstances some pilots simply were not able to pick their gift before the deadline.
Due to the large volume of requests we have been receiving of this kind, we are going to be giving the gifts out in batches. We have added the character you requested to the bonus remap recipient list, and your remap should become available through your character sheet on the 10th of January. If you haven't received it on the 11th of January, please update this petition and we'll look further into the matter. We thank you very much for your continued patience, and hope you had a wonderful holiday season.
Best regards,
The EVE Online Customer Support Team
Hi there,
Thank you for contacting customer support. Sorry to hear you did not get the opportunity to choose your gift. While we did try to advertise this as widely as possible and make the process accessible, we understand that due to all manner of circumstances some pilots simply were not able to pick their gift before the deadline.
Due to the large volume of requests we have been receiving of this kind, we are going to be giving the gifts out in batches. We have added the character you requested to the bonus remap recipient list, and your remap should become available through your character sheet on the 10th of January. If you haven't received it on the 11th of January, please update this petition and we'll look further into the matter. We thank you very much for your continued patience, and hope you had a wonderful holiday season.
Best regards,
The EVE Online Customer Support Team
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