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Отправлено 23 June 2010 - 10:17
Пинать бесполезно, вернее дальше некуда, весь офф и ю-туб стонет от воплей страждущих.онтопик: видео турнирных боев все еще нет, так что нет и обзоров. если кто сможет попинать девов - плз, а то мне грозит очередная поездка и могу уже ничего не успеть вовсе.
Официальный ответ:
Ok I'll do my quick explanation as is custom each tournament .
During the qualifying weekends we have a fraction of the work load compared to the final weekend. We can record each match individually and then while the next match starts up have someone working on the edit and compression so we can get the matches up on youtube really quickly. We perfected that process mostly because in the past few tournaments those weekends were radio only so getting you the video as quickly as possible was very important.
On the final studio weekends we are all incredibly busy bringing you the live show. Instead of breaks in between matches we're bringing you studio content to enjoy. The small army of machines we have are all busy making that happen and all the team is working flat out on the show. So currently doing all the back end work involved with getting matches on youtube can't be done by us at the same time.
Getting all these matches on youtube is no trivial task and with the studio segments the final weekend comprises of 70+ videos to upload, or around 13 hours of HD content. We'll strive to have this content available for you as soon as possible this week.
In the meantime please tune in and enjoy the live show [].
Отправлено 23 June 2010 - 14:11
"Адекватный" - это легко управляемый середнячок, без каких-то особых отклонений в мотивации и поведении от основной быдломассы. Тот факт, что в рускомьюнити все адекватны и ищут адекватных, вполне объясняет царящую здесь симфонию серости - одно взаимосвязано с другим.
Отправлено 25 June 2010 - 19:59
завтра будет про финал в более адекватном психологическом состоянии.
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