GM Sunshine > Good evening
Remedial > Hi there, what's up
GM Sunshine > We have been recieving several petitions regarding your members spamming local during combat
GM Sunshine > and we would like you to stop this this instant
Remedial > Totally false. We only fofofo one line each, and only after we win a battle
GM Sunshine > regardless
Remedial > If you check the chatlogs compared to LV killmails, you'll see that I am telling the truth
GM Sunshine > stop this
Remedial > I also don't control every single goon in GoonSwarm. I typed fofofo and then everybody else did
GM Sunshine > you are there figure head and leader, if you are unable to get them to do stop this, then who is?
Remedial > Well, you could always go to the offenders and talk to them personally rather than holding me accountable every time a goonswarm member gets petitioned
Remedial > I mean, I just love having a GM tell me to stop 2500 different players from performing an action
Remedial > But it's pretty much beyond my control. I don't even have a mic on TS right now
Remedial > Really you should probably just delete local entirely, as that's clearly why LV is losing the war in Detorid
GM Sunshine > local chat and LV's ability is not up for discussion here, your members behaviour is
GM Sunshine > let's stick to that
Remedial > Ok: you are a GM, I'm some fat guy on the internet in charge of a SPACE GUILD. I think you should go to people who break rules and bust their balls, not mine. I don't get to enforce rules because you know, fat guy on the internet.
Remedial > So when somebody renames a station to DEAD FAGGOTS or somebody screams "SMOSKE SUCKS" in #BobChat or somebody spams local with Fofofo, I really shouldn't be the person you convo.
GM Sunshine > you may not run the internet, but for all intents and purposes, you run Goonswarm
Remedial > Ok, I'll post a thread telling people not to spam fofofo on Eve-O.
GM Sunshine > how you get your members to stop this is not my concern, just do it
Remedial > Ok, so if "my guys" keep doing it, does that mean you're going to ban my account for non-compliance with an impossible order?
Remedial > Or will you just start gagging offenders in local so they can't spam
Remedial > PS voting option #2
GM Sunshine > I will not warn you for this in any way or form
GM Sunshine > regardless if you do comply this time or not
Remedial > Living up to your name every day, sweetcheeks!
GM Sunshine > but your actions will affect future decisions
Remedial > I'd like to elevate this complaint please
Remedial > Can I talk to your manager?
Remedial > Is he wearing a nametag?
Remedial > Or like a special hat or something
GM Sunshine > you can file a petition
Remedial > Should I file it under stuck?
GM Sunshine > you can do that
Remedial > I love you GM Sunshine, you're my favorite GM in this chatroom
GM Sunshine > considering I'm the only GM in here, I'll take that with a pinch of salt
Remedial > /emote takes off his shirt.
Remedial > 16/m/FL
Remedial > u??
GM Sunshine > Immortal, male, Game masters
Remedial > /emote puts on his robe and wizard hatt.
Remedial > /emote massages ur master.
GM Sunshine then had words for Local, but so did the Goons.
[02:41:20] GM Sunshine > Good evening folks
[02:41:27] Brick Bossload > o/
[02:41:28] Agmar > hello mr shine
[02:41:33] Variso Ageo > \o GM!
[02:41:36] Agmar > remedial did it
[02:41:42] K'Bar > lol
[02:41:55] Agmar > he is selling GTCs in local
[02:41:55] Cthub > you are my sunshine... myonly sunshine.. when you arn't happy .. my skies are grey..

[02:42:03] Variso Ageo > can we put in a feature request for a card game that we could play in local during these "downtimes"
[02:42:18] GM Sunshine > We seem to be getting a few complaints from this system regarding local
[02:42:44] Brick Bossload > ya some ppl are trying to say that james bond is better than mcgayver
[02:42:45] GM Sunshine > and quite possibly its abnormal usage
[02:43:09] demogod > well plz get LV guys to stop
[02:43:10] Variso Ageo > goons are gonna get their wrist slapped!!! bad, bad boys.
[02:43:12] K'Bar > ok everyone who doesnt live has to leave
[02:43:36] K'Bar > looks like we r now closed for business
[02:43:42] demogod > ok so LV go then
[02:43:56] Agmar > please define abnormal usage
[02:43:57] Variso Ageo > sunshine: it was annoying, but the goon players only did it for a minute or so.
[02:44:02] Remedial > Remedial > /emote takes off his shirt.
Remedial > 16/m/FL
Remedial > u??
GM Sunshine > Immortal, male, Game masters
[02:44:08] Agmar > ohhh.... fofo
[02:44:55] GM Sunshine > For now there will not be any warnings
[02:44:57] Remedial > Goons please don't fofofo anymore as you're causing LV to lose the war
[02:45:00] GM Sunshine > but...
[02:45:07] Nweilin Ng > oh noes, GM
[02:45:22] Nova Cygni > fofofofofo
[02:45:24] Magere > fofofofofo
[02:45:26] Althera > fofofo
[02:45:26] Kerevar > fofofofofofofo
[02:45:26] Stradiot > fofofo
[02:45:28] Eyud > fofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofofof
[02:45:28] Hotokhe > fofofo
[02:45:29] Vera Nosfyu > fofofo
[02:45:30] Contez > fofofofo
[02:45:30] Zinrix > fofofo
[02:45:31] Arthur Miller > fofofofoof
[02:45:32] Ilarra > fofofofofofo
[02:45:32] Arthenis > fofofofo
[02:45:32] Woobins > fofofofofofo
[02:45:32] SPACE BEEZ > foofoofo
[02:45:32] Psyyke > fofofofoof
[02:45:33] Ilucid > fofofo
[02:45:34] Innominate > fofofo
[02:45:34] Margaret Houlihan > fofofo
[02:45:34] FreeOJ > fofofofofofo
[02:45:34] Captain Tabouli > fofofo
[02:45:34] Bane Glorious > NOOOOO
[02:45:34] SPACE BEEZ > foofofo
[02:45:34] SamHandwich > fofofofofoof
[02:45:34] Enormus > fofofof
[02:45:35] Von Kleist > fofofofofofo
[02:45:35] Saldio Banderas > fofofo
[02:45:35] RedhawkMillionaire > fofofofofofo
[02:45:35] Monopthalmus > fofofo
[02:45:36] Vintage Uno > fofofof
[02:45:36] Johanen > fofofofofofofofo
[02:45:36] Svaha Norbu > fofofofo
[02:45:36] HydroSan > fofofo
[02:45:36] Pyrosquee > fofofof
[02:45:37] inferno sun > fofofofo
[02:45:37] The StrayDawg > fofofofof
[02:45:37] General Brusilov > fofofo
[02:45:37] Habe Quiddam > fofofo
[02:45:37] Scavok > fofofofoffo
[02:45:37] ShadowImage > fofofo
[02:45:39] Sherkaner Lumpen > fofofofo
[02:45:40] Zarimax Mishka > fofofofofofo
[02:45:40] Sporadicus Hue > fofofo
[02:45:40] Darkxray > fofofofofof
[02:45:40] Ska La > fofofof
[02:45:41] Ianaa > fofoofofo
[02:45:41] Tandrea Lei > fofofofofo
[02:45:44] Eronarn Palazzo > fofofofofofofofofofo
[02:45:44] Brick Bossload > let the record stand that mcgaver is would kick the crap outta james bond any day
[02:45:48] Remedial > NO DONT WHAT HAVE YOU DONe
[02:45:49] Agmar > you're a pretty professional leader Remedial
[02:45:51] Crivens > goons and their' lagspoilts
[02:45:56] Variso Ageo > Remedial: it's when your team loses carriers and keeps coming that I'm worried about the war.
[02:46:17] K'Bar > ok guys lets chill man its only a game
[02:46:20] Swirler > omg! I am lagging so bad now!!! stop that!!
[02:46:26] GM Sunshine > I will only ask this once Goons
[02:46:29] Gramtar > haha another LV pos just went BOOM!
[02:46:42] Brick Bossload > cya pos
[02:46:42] GM Sunshine > stop spamming local like you did just now
[02:47:03] demogod > -(
[02:47:03] Variso Ageo > I think that might stand as the absolute stupidest thing I have seen in local to date.
[02:47:12] Nweilin Ng > lol agreed
[02:47:17] Darus Xarin > can we petition every enemy player that talks in local for spamming? because i'm annoyed by it quite often
[02:47:19] Fry Fortune > variso, be gentle on GM sunshine
[02:47:23] Lavanyaa > Discounting mindless LV drivel?
[02:47:25] Variso Ageo > Congratulations goons!
[02:47:34] Kank II > <3
[02:47:38] Nweilin Ng > err.. what's wrong with chatting in local, it's a chat channel after all lava
[02:47:48] Agmar > Remedial, you are a horribly professional Alliance head
[02:48:07] Variso Ageo > Fry: I haven't asked, but I suspect that sunshine and I are in close agreement on the recent spamming demonstration.
[02:48:18] Variso Ageo > Whole new levels of dumb.
[02:48:34] Remedial > T H E K E Y
[02:48:37] K'Bar > chill fellas
[02:48:39] demogod > turn key-)
[02:48:41] Darus Xarin > you know, if there is something on local you don't like then you just minimize
[02:48:43] Agmar > TEH KEY?
[02:48:51] Remedial > B U R K E Y
[02:49:00] Agmar > haha.... well met sir!