Пару писем присылал на русском, переведенный промтом.
Вот его предпоследние, в ответ на мой бай ордер:
2008.04.26 20:24
You need to find another Amarr region to buy kernite in...... I have been buying here for over 10 months.... I need all that I get for my stations.....
I will not let you overbid me..... Find your own region to buy in (Kador or Devoid maybe)..... I am too much competiton for you... I am online 18 hours a day..
и финальное:
2008.04.26 20:33
Nope.. No real life...I"m short, fat, ugly and broke......I work from home and leave the eve market up while I"m working...
клиент мониторит маркет постоянно.
одназначно клиника. уже опасаюсь за свою жизнь %)